Chef Ellen


Dysbiosis – Unhealthy Microbes, Illness, and The Perfect Storm

Dysbiosis – Unhealthy Microbes, Illness, and The Perfect Storm Just as a perfect storm results from combinations of climatic factors, complex gut conditions often arise from multiple advancing elements. Emphasizing the importance of diet, sleep hygiene, hydration, physical exercise, and stress reduction are manageable isolated points, but when combined and compromised, they become overwhelming. When rapidly escalated, these unforeseen interactions can have a destructive potential to our health and well-being. This underlines the urgency of addressing these issues to prevent any potential harm to our bodies. Highlighting the complexity of what several unresolved situations in our body can become is awareness. Dysbiosis, a term used to describe an imbalance in the gut microbiome, disrupts the microbiome’s health and is the perfect storm of ill health that can be avoided. This imbalance results from a reduction of beneficial microorganisms and an increase in harmful ones. These changes in crucial metabolic activity transform a once-healthy pattern into one associated with disease. The good news is that we can change the variables instead of band-aiding situations; we support our health by being prepared and responding appropriately. This empowerment to take control of our health is a significant accomplishment; keeping in tune with responsiveness to physical, mental, and emotional status is attention to self-care. Foundational health and what works specifically for your unique physiology is the journey that will aid in avoiding a downward spiral of ill-health-related complexities. Why is healing necessary for the gut? Stability comes from attention to the host; that’s you! When there is less diversity of good bacteria and an increase of harmful bacteria, disease comes knocking. This diversity in our gut microbiome is crucial for our health. Our gut microbiome contains a collection of microorganisms (bacteria) living together. Our microbiota is the specific type of bacteria existing in this habitat.  The microbiota encompasses all living members that form the microbiome. Some bacteria are beneficial and essential for health and functions throughout our bodies. On the other hand, some forms of bacteria, such as viruses, although they are living organisms, do not belong. The main objective of a virus is to bring down the host. An elimination protocol, as outlined in Gut Driven, supports beneficial bacteria and creates a healing environment to crowd out harmful microbes, support immune response, and create habits to support health awareness. The recipes and suggested foods are curated carefully so any persistent symptoms are relieved in the process, with the hope of pinpointing trigger foods, potential intolerances, or root-cause issues. We tend to live with and normalize these symptoms for so long that we forget the feeling of enjoying foods and situations most take for granted. Many are inclined to villainize the foods that once nourished and brought them joy. One great example is the recent smear campaign against oats. Social media, misinformation, and many unwarranted claims have many missing out on the fact that oats are high in soluble fiber and antioxidants. They are also an excellent gut-friendly vehicle that allows for additional nutrients when consumed with fruits, seeds, and nuts, aiding in managing blood sugar throughout the day. Limited knowledge and lack of awareness lead to unnecessary avoidance. Misconceptions have us running from the numerous health benefits instead of getting to the root of the problem. Let’s keep an open mind, improve digestive health, enhance satiety, and reduce overall inflammation. Your gut environment has a profound influence on your health. For better or worse, it’s up to you. Need recipes? I’ve got you covered. Gut Driven breaks down the Reset and Maintenance stage, providing many recipes to jumpstart healing and techniques to incorporate these foods to support and sustain a healthy gut microbiome. Stay tuned, and I am eagerly getting ready to launch an all-new 21-day online program that works with the principles of Gut Driven. This program’s design is to give extra support to those reading my book but wanting enhanced direction, navigation, a more in-depth approach, and daily inspiration to jumpstart those goals. You will also be privy to new emerging information, tips, lifestyle habits, unpublished recipes, and strategies centered around making positive, sustainable change. You can take advantage of insightful guidance as per the success of the Gut Driven blueprint at a more affordable rate without compromising on quality. Your book is always there for reference materials, but critical points have been condensed and carefully crafted for success. By optimizing lifestyle modifications and digestive processes, you can tap into the potential of your gut health. Gut health is pivotal in nutrient absorption, immune function, cognitive regulation, and disease prevention. Ensure you will not be a victim of “perfect storm” advancements in ill health. Creating a “perfect synergy” of lifelong lifestyle modifications, balance, and attention to self-care practices establishes a solid footing of positive actions and habits, promoting optimal microbial functions and enhanced metabolic activity. With positive, optimal health and well-being, we can weather any storm in good health!

GF Goji Berry Chocolate Chip Cookies

When completely homemade is not available, let’s take a convenience item and increase the nutritional value of a chocolate chip cookie mix, have it stay somewhat unchanged, and enjoy a delicious treat you are proud of calling a healthier indulgence. A typical GF cookie mix would give you about 1 gram of protein and 1 gram of fiber per cookie with/ little nutrients (not very impressive). The guesswork of measuring saves time and mess plus looking for brands without no more than 10 ingredients is a plus (see notes below).With the following ingredients, I increased the protein to 2.3 grams and the fiber to 1.8 grams, not to mention the omega’s, calcium, iron, magnesium, folate, potassium, and manganese from these superfoods additions.

Buckwheat Ramen Noodle Stir-Fry

Buckwheat ramen noodles are a delicious, nutritious alternative to ramen noodles that are typically fried and void of nutrients. Buckwheat (wheat-free and derived from a plant in the rhubarb family) has a rich, nutty flavor and is high in protein and iron. They are easy to prepare and may end up a staple in your pantry. The vegetables can be changed to include any variety that holds up in a stir-fry.

Black Bean Soup

What better time than now to whip up a pot of soup? This simple hearty soup is loaded with soluble fiber our bodies need. Soluble fiber expands in our stomachs when consumed and sends satiety signals to our brains letting us know we are full. This fiber will keep you full and satisfied for hours. The insoluble fiber found in the vegetables in this recipe aids in proper digestion. Both fibers are important to keep your insulin working optimally. Additionally, you will not be looking to snack in between meals. Pair with a side salad, some avocado, sour cream, or baked tortilla chips.

Turmeric – The Power of the Golden Spice

Tapping Into a Spice Having Ancient Origins Turmeric’s history dates back thousands of years and spans various cultural regions. Aside from being a staple in their cuisine in ancient India, the spice’s medicinal value in Ayurvedic practices for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antimicrobial properties is exceptional. Turmeric was used to treat various ailments, including digestive disorders, skin conditions, and respiratory issues. Since then, it has spanned to other regions and become a crucial component touted for its healing properties in traditional medicine. In our modern times, turmeric has gained global popularity in the culinary health and wellness fields. Extensive scientific research has highlighted the benefits of the active compound curcumin, the active chemical composition in the root. Curcumin is responsible for most of turmeric’s health benefits, including its therapeutic and health-boosting qualities. Further experimentation has now integrated turmeric into the health and wellness world, supporting its traditional uses and praising its potential to treat arthritis, heart disease, cancer, and neurodegenerative disorders. This heightened awareness has led to an increased use of this ancient spice in supplements, health foods, and beverages. The culinary world has long praised turmeric’s use in curries, spice blends, and natural food coloring. Tips for Maximizing Turmeric Absorption: Adding a dash of black pepper with turmeric is recommended, as pepper enhances curcumin’s absorption. Consuming healthy fats increases the bioavailability: how the body uses the nutrient. Easy Ways to Use Turmeric: Golden milk Smoothies Turmeric Tea Curries and Soups Rice and Grains Salad Dressing or Vinaigrette Baked Good and Waffles Roasted Vegetables   As a testament to its value and versatility, I’ve linked one of my newest recipes, Spiced Chocolate Cherry Chia Oats. This dish celebrates turmeric’s benefits as a natural remedy and treasured spice. I encourage you to experiment with turmeric in your cooking and discover your preferred ways to add a golden touch to the healthfulness of your meals. In good health!


Golden milk is a delicious beverage bursting with a wide range of benefits, including anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, digestive, immune-boosting, and brain health properties. Golden milk and its soothing spices can aid in relaxation and reduce inflammation and stress. Regular consumption supports overall health and well-being, making it a valuable addition to your daily routine. Don’t skip the black pepper as this spice is a great way to increase the absorption and wonderful benefits of turmeric.


Let’s take your favorite kimchi and use it as the finishing touch to this yummy fried rice that is surprisingly, mostly riced cauliflower. Let’s consider why using riced cauliflower instead of traditional rice holds superior benefits. The higher fiber content aids in digestion, it’s rich in vitamins and minerals, and antioxidants will help fight inflammation and oxidative stress in the body. The texture is similar so let’s add in some complementary veggies along with a small amount of rice for those picky eaters and finish this off with your pick of kimchi because we are all in tune with the probiotic benefits kimchi offers.


Dive into this flavorful and super easy pancake that can be eaten any time of the day with a few basic ingredients. It’s hot, spicy, sour, a little sweet and slightly salty. Eat this on its own or as a vehicle to compliment almost anything your creative brain craves. And make extras, you are going to fall in love with the flavors.


Chocolate and cherries are a wonderful combination but adding a bit of spice aids in boosting the health benefits of this dish. Turmeric is an ancient spice long praised for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antimicrobial properties. The addition of black pepper aids in enhancing its absorption.

Integrative Medicine

Exploring The Future of Healthcare Rising numbers of disease-related concerns in today’s modern world are attributed to a variety of factors: Lifestyle changes Environmental issues Demographic developments Aging populations   While advancements in medicine continue to combat disease, this technological progress ensures that illnesses are regularly detected and reported more efficiently than in the past. The United States is a leader in medical advancements, treatments, and technologies. We offer specialized care and cutting-edge treatments, yet we have one of the highest obesity rates in the world. This public health issue contributes to various chronic illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer – the leading causes of death and disability in our country. Despite our significant breakthroughs, the presence of chronic ailments continues to rise. Integrative healthcare’s future encourages more personalized improvements to improve overall health outcomes by addressing physical, mental, and emotional aspects of well-being. Integrative medicine and its practices favor a holistic approach to healthcare that combines Western medicine with complementary and evidence-based alternative therapies such as nourishment, yoga, and herbal medicine. The objective is to treat the whole person—body, mind, and spirit—and get to the root of symptoms rather than treating ailments with long-term medicine. Integrative medicine gives personalized attention to the patient, regards the relationship as crucial for recovery, and utilizes appropriate therapeutic avenues to achieve optimal health and healing. The evolution of medicine comes at a time when, despite the progress of modern medicine, we are a society that heavily relies on medication, often referred to as a ‘pill-popping society. ‘ This reliance has led to increased chronic ailments and autoimmune riddles conventional medicine cannot solve. Our consumption of ultra-processed foods, high in sugar, fats, and additives, has led to a rise in obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and autoimmune diseases. Everyday demands leave us chronically stressed and contribute to numerous health issues. Air, water, and soil pollution puts one at risk for respiratory complications. In addition, aging populations living longer identify more degenerative, inflammatory diseases such as dementia, arthritis, and heart disease. Higher rates of excessive smoking and alcohol use also advance and contribute to chronic diseases like cancers, liver disorders, and respiratory illnesses. We are overusing medicine because of a lack of awareness and education, time constraints in busy medical practices, pharmaceutical leverage, over-the-counter availability, and advice from family and friends, to name a few. Self-medication for symptoms like anxiety and depression is on the rise, often leading to addiction and substance abuse. The overuse of antibiotics, in turn, makes infections more challenging to fight and compromises digestive health. Focusing on these issues and increasing awareness across the board is imperative. Integrative medicine practices address root-cause problems by collaborating with patients, focusing on prevention and wellness, incorporating mind-body practices, educating patients on the appropriate use of medications, and, most importantly, monitoring and following up accordingly. Let’s consider robust mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being and patient empowerment, where one actively participates in personalized healing. This involvement holds advantages far outweighing conventional practices that only address the symptom, typically with long-term meds. This collaborative approach ensures that patients are actively involved in their healthcare journey, fostering a sense of inclusion and shared responsibility. Integrative medicine principles do not aim to replace conventional medicine; instead, they seek improved patient outcomes by addressing all facets of health. When a physician and patient can establish a strong connection, each understanding goals and treatment options, the positive shift spotlights prevention over disease treatment. When wellness professionals advocate for more patient-centered therapies, we can bridge the marvels of modern medicine and personalized complementary remedies, thus impacting the future of healing, graceful aging, and well-being. This emphasis on patient-centered care ensures that individuals feel prioritized and cared for in their healthcare journey. In good health!