Chef Ellen


Dysbiosis – Unhealthy Microbes, Illness, and The Perfect Storm

Dysbiosis – Unhealthy Microbes, Illness, and The Perfect Storm Just as a perfect storm results from combinations of climatic factors, complex gut conditions often arise from multiple advancing elements. Emphasizing the importance of diet, sleep hygiene, hydration, physical exercise, and stress reduction are manageable isolated points, but when combined and compromised, they become overwhelming. When rapidly escalated, these unforeseen interactions can have a destructive potential to our health and well-being. This underlines the urgency of addressing these issues to prevent any potential harm to our bodies. Highlighting the complexity of what several unresolved situations in our body can become is awareness. Dysbiosis, a term used to describe an imbalance in the gut microbiome, disrupts the microbiome’s health and is the perfect storm of ill health that can be avoided. This imbalance results from a reduction of beneficial microorganisms and an increase in harmful ones. These changes in crucial metabolic activity transform a once-healthy pattern into one associated with disease. The good news is that we can change the variables instead of band-aiding situations; we support our health by being prepared and responding appropriately. This empowerment to take control of our health is a significant accomplishment; keeping in tune with responsiveness to physical, mental, and emotional status is attention to self-care. Foundational health and what works specifically for your unique physiology is the journey that will aid in avoiding a downward spiral of ill-health-related complexities. Why is healing necessary for the gut? Stability comes from attention to the host; that’s you! When there is less diversity of good bacteria and an increase of harmful bacteria, disease comes knocking. This diversity in our gut microbiome is crucial for our health. Our gut microbiome contains a collection of microorganisms (bacteria) living together. Our microbiota is the specific type of bacteria existing in this habitat.  The microbiota encompasses all living members that form the microbiome. Some bacteria are beneficial and essential for health and functions throughout our bodies. On the other hand, some forms of bacteria, such as viruses, although they are living organisms, do not belong. The main objective of a virus is to bring down the host. An elimination protocol, as outlined in Gut Driven, supports beneficial bacteria and creates a healing environment to crowd out harmful microbes, support immune response, and create habits to support health awareness. The recipes and suggested foods are curated carefully so any persistent symptoms are relieved in the process, with the hope of pinpointing trigger foods, potential intolerances, or root-cause issues. We tend to live with and normalize these symptoms for so long that we forget the feeling of enjoying foods and situations most take for granted. Many are inclined to villainize the foods that once nourished and brought them joy. One great example is the recent smear campaign against oats. Social media, misinformation, and many unwarranted claims have many missing out on the fact that oats are high in soluble fiber and antioxidants. They are also an excellent gut-friendly vehicle that allows for additional nutrients when consumed with fruits, seeds, and nuts, aiding in managing blood sugar throughout the day. Limited knowledge and lack of awareness lead to unnecessary avoidance. Misconceptions have us running from the numerous health benefits instead of getting to the root of the problem. Let’s keep an open mind, improve digestive health, enhance satiety, and reduce overall inflammation. Your gut environment has a profound influence on your health. For better or worse, it’s up to you. Need recipes? I’ve got you covered. Gut Driven breaks down the Reset and Maintenance stage, providing many recipes to jumpstart healing and techniques to incorporate these foods to support and sustain a healthy gut microbiome. Stay tuned, and I am eagerly getting ready to launch an all-new 21-day online program that works with the principles of Gut Driven. This program’s design is to give extra support to those reading my book but wanting enhanced direction, navigation, a more in-depth approach, and daily inspiration to jumpstart those goals. You will also be privy to new emerging information, tips, lifestyle habits, unpublished recipes, and strategies centered around making positive, sustainable change. You can take advantage of insightful guidance as per the success of the Gut Driven blueprint at a more affordable rate without compromising on quality. Your book is always there for reference materials, but critical points have been condensed and carefully crafted for success. By optimizing lifestyle modifications and digestive processes, you can tap into the potential of your gut health. Gut health is pivotal in nutrient absorption, immune function, cognitive regulation, and disease prevention. Ensure you will not be a victim of “perfect storm” advancements in ill health. Creating a “perfect synergy” of lifelong lifestyle modifications, balance, and attention to self-care practices establishes a solid footing of positive actions and habits, promoting optimal microbial functions and enhanced metabolic activity. With positive, optimal health and well-being, we can weather any storm in good health!

Turmeric – The Power of the Golden Spice

Tapping Into a Spice Having Ancient Origins Turmeric’s history dates back thousands of years and spans various cultural regions. Aside from being a staple in their cuisine in ancient India, the spice’s medicinal value in Ayurvedic practices for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antimicrobial properties is exceptional. Turmeric was used to treat various ailments, including digestive disorders, skin conditions, and respiratory issues. Since then, it has spanned to other regions and become a crucial component touted for its healing properties in traditional medicine. In our modern times, turmeric has gained global popularity in the culinary health and wellness fields. Extensive scientific research has highlighted the benefits of the active compound curcumin, the active chemical composition in the root. Curcumin is responsible for most of turmeric’s health benefits, including its therapeutic and health-boosting qualities. Further experimentation has now integrated turmeric into the health and wellness world, supporting its traditional uses and praising its potential to treat arthritis, heart disease, cancer, and neurodegenerative disorders. This heightened awareness has led to an increased use of this ancient spice in supplements, health foods, and beverages. The culinary world has long praised turmeric’s use in curries, spice blends, and natural food coloring. Tips for Maximizing Turmeric Absorption: Adding a dash of black pepper with turmeric is recommended, as pepper enhances curcumin’s absorption. Consuming healthy fats increases the bioavailability: how the body uses the nutrient. Easy Ways to Use Turmeric: Golden milk Smoothies Turmeric Tea Curries and Soups Rice and Grains Salad Dressing or Vinaigrette Baked Good and Waffles Roasted Vegetables   As a testament to its value and versatility, I’ve linked one of my newest recipes, Spiced Chocolate Cherry Chia Oats. This dish celebrates turmeric’s benefits as a natural remedy and treasured spice. I encourage you to experiment with turmeric in your cooking and discover your preferred ways to add a golden touch to the healthfulness of your meals. In good health!

Integrative Medicine

Exploring The Future of Healthcare Rising numbers of disease-related concerns in today’s modern world are attributed to a variety of factors: Lifestyle changes Environmental issues Demographic developments Aging populations   While advancements in medicine continue to combat disease, this technological progress ensures that illnesses are regularly detected and reported more efficiently than in the past. The United States is a leader in medical advancements, treatments, and technologies. We offer specialized care and cutting-edge treatments, yet we have one of the highest obesity rates in the world. This public health issue contributes to various chronic illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer – the leading causes of death and disability in our country. Despite our significant breakthroughs, the presence of chronic ailments continues to rise. Integrative healthcare’s future encourages more personalized improvements to improve overall health outcomes by addressing physical, mental, and emotional aspects of well-being. Integrative medicine and its practices favor a holistic approach to healthcare that combines Western medicine with complementary and evidence-based alternative therapies such as nourishment, yoga, and herbal medicine. The objective is to treat the whole person—body, mind, and spirit—and get to the root of symptoms rather than treating ailments with long-term medicine. Integrative medicine gives personalized attention to the patient, regards the relationship as crucial for recovery, and utilizes appropriate therapeutic avenues to achieve optimal health and healing. The evolution of medicine comes at a time when, despite the progress of modern medicine, we are a society that heavily relies on medication, often referred to as a ‘pill-popping society. ‘ This reliance has led to increased chronic ailments and autoimmune riddles conventional medicine cannot solve. Our consumption of ultra-processed foods, high in sugar, fats, and additives, has led to a rise in obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and autoimmune diseases. Everyday demands leave us chronically stressed and contribute to numerous health issues. Air, water, and soil pollution puts one at risk for respiratory complications. In addition, aging populations living longer identify more degenerative, inflammatory diseases such as dementia, arthritis, and heart disease. Higher rates of excessive smoking and alcohol use also advance and contribute to chronic diseases like cancers, liver disorders, and respiratory illnesses. We are overusing medicine because of a lack of awareness and education, time constraints in busy medical practices, pharmaceutical leverage, over-the-counter availability, and advice from family and friends, to name a few. Self-medication for symptoms like anxiety and depression is on the rise, often leading to addiction and substance abuse. The overuse of antibiotics, in turn, makes infections more challenging to fight and compromises digestive health. Focusing on these issues and increasing awareness across the board is imperative. Integrative medicine practices address root-cause problems by collaborating with patients, focusing on prevention and wellness, incorporating mind-body practices, educating patients on the appropriate use of medications, and, most importantly, monitoring and following up accordingly. Let’s consider robust mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being and patient empowerment, where one actively participates in personalized healing. This involvement holds advantages far outweighing conventional practices that only address the symptom, typically with long-term meds. This collaborative approach ensures that patients are actively involved in their healthcare journey, fostering a sense of inclusion and shared responsibility. Integrative medicine principles do not aim to replace conventional medicine; instead, they seek improved patient outcomes by addressing all facets of health. When a physician and patient can establish a strong connection, each understanding goals and treatment options, the positive shift spotlights prevention over disease treatment. When wellness professionals advocate for more patient-centered therapies, we can bridge the marvels of modern medicine and personalized complementary remedies, thus impacting the future of healing, graceful aging, and well-being. This emphasis on patient-centered care ensures that individuals feel prioritized and cared for in their healthcare journey. In good health!

Farmer’s Market Finds

Navigating This Boutique Experience and Practical Way of Shopping Many of us eagerly anticipate that weekly Sunday trip to the farmer’s market. The outdoor experience offers a variety of items that cater to individual needs and preferences, from fresh fruits and vegetables to artisanal breads and cheeses. You can also find unique products like handmade soaps, candles, and crafts, all sourced locally and sustainably. Let’s admit it: there’s a thrill in exploring the myriads of artisanal products and offerings at the farmer’s market. If you’re inclined, those unique and distinctive products, often crafted in small batches, like jams, oils, and baked items, may be worth the extra dollars. The craftsmanship and high-quality, handmade items could be why you eagerly make that trip every week. I appreciate vendors who have mastered the art of pickling. Some may consider buying pickled items at the farmer’s market a luxury. Still, I’m confident I won’t find an item like this in my local grocery store, so I indulge occasionally. I don’t have the time to do it myself, so I happily pay for the satisfaction it brings me. Bonuses to consider are that most of the time, tastings and samples are available before you make that commitment. The personal interaction with the supplier also gives me valuable insights into the product’s sourcing. I find comfort in knowing where it comes from and the process it undergoes before it reaches my table. Personalized connections and rapport with merchants, farmers, or artisans enrich the shopping experience, making the experience even more memorable and heartwarming. Speaking with farmers and asking specific questions about farming protocols, such as using organic fertilizers or integrated pest management, sustainability practices, and pesticide use, can reassure those interested. Also, consider the draw of seasonal and locally sourced delicacies you may not be able to purchase year-round. Boutique, yes, but a great way to support regional farming practices and shop to reap the benefits. The joy of farmer’s markets lies in the freshest access to locally grown produce, often harvested at its peak, ensuring maximum nutritional value. You also have the satisfaction of knowing your food has yet to travel thousands of miles before it reaches your hands. When we, as consumers, support farmers committed to sustainable agriculture, we also contribute to the growth of our local economy. It’s a powerful way to make a difference while enjoying the benefits of fresh, quality produce. What to Skip and What’s Worth Buying Local and seasonal produce is worth the investment if you want the freshest and most flavorful options. Freshly baked goods are often void of preservatives, additives, and fillers, but it’s always wise to know the vendor and ask if you are concerned about the processes. Most artisan bakers love to share their passions for baking and providing premium products. Local honey and maple syrup, regional cheeses, dairy, dairy-free, and gluten-free options have expanded considerably in today’s markets, so if you are inclined to find these superior products for health reasons, these specialty items most likely won’t disappoint and are worth the investment. Specialty items such as spices, jams, and sauces are unique and would be a more personal preference depending on the convenience and usage of the individual. Many items sold at markets are lovely because they are fresh and preservative-free, so remember that using them within a specific time frame ensures no potential spoilage. That said, some items can be frozen and used later. For example, fresh bread and most baked items can be stored in the freezer. Additionally, dried spices can benefit from being frozen to maintain their freshness for longer. What to skip? For me, a fresh Jersey summer tomato is sometimes worth the price of a store-bought one, often tasteless and disappointing. Becoming an educated consumer on what is seasonal and not helps, but I usually let my nose decide. You’ll be glad you made the purchase when you smell fresh leeks and make the most delicious soup. Freshly picked summer corn, lettuce, and microgreens this time of the season, apples at their peak in the fall, midsummer peaches, spring garlic, fennel, and fresh garden peas will always make their way into my arms at the market. If you are lucky to spot fresh-cut flowers at your market, they are usually far less expensive, will last longer, and are more beautiful than a convenient corporate location. Apple cider at your market in June? Pass it by and purchase it at the supermarket for far less. Fruits and vegetable purchases make up for 90+% of items purchased at outdoor markets. Look, see, and smell. Buy items that are freshest, not bruised or wilted. Make sure you plan to use your purchases in a timely manner. Whether you seek exceptional artisanal products or desire fresh, regional produce, visit your local farmer’s market. Support the community and neighborhood economy, enjoy some time in the open air meeting craftsmen, and foster social connections where practical and boutique experiences graciously collide. The ‘personal experience’ of shopping at a farmer’s market is unlike any other, with the sights, sounds, and smells of recent harvests, artisanal goods, and the opportunity to chat with the people who grow and make them. It’s an individual experience, so make the most of it by navigating, experimenting with new flavors, or just tasting your way through for the sheer fun of it, a little sunshine, and some social engagement. In good health!

Rethink Your Drink

The Value and Beauty of Hydration, and Why are Electrolytes All the Buzz? While I often stress the importance of a balanced diet, it’s crucial to recognize the transformative power of proper hydration. Just as we derive nutrients from our food, maintaining a well-hydrated body is equally vital for our everyday functions. These days, being glued to our ever-popular water bottle seems like a must. I always leave home with two filled with water as I go about my daily routines. However, water is no longer the end-all-be-all for appropriately nourishing and the only source for reaping benefits from quality hydration practices. We lose vital electrolytes daily from daily activities, movement, heat, normal kidney functions, illnesses, medications (diuretics, antibiotics, laxatives, chemotherapy drugs), and poor dietary habits. Adequate hydration affects both physical and mental well-being. I recently had a firsthand experience of this while hiking the Grand Canyon. It was undoubtedly challenging but one of the most rewarding adventures I have crossed off my bucket list. While in the canyon, I noticed the water was not quenching my thirst, which irritated me. A guide made me stop and noted that I must either take a salt pill or eat an orange. I picked the orange, and my mood instantly picked up as I felt the thirst instantly satisfied. This personal experience made me realize the importance of electrolytes and how plain water alone would not have been sufficient. As much as water is essential, the additional nutrients make for more effective hydration. Many think that seltzers, coffee, or tea are adequate sources of hydration for their bodies, but they need to include beneficial compounds that whole foods can also provide. Many also do not realize that coffee and tea are diuretics, meaning instead of holding on to the positive effects of hydrating, those drinks will cause your kidneys to make more urine, and you will lose that vital fluid and salt more quickly. Let’s examine the role of electrolytes in our body. These minerals carry a charge and are essential for a wide range of physiological functions, including maintaining fluid balance, supporting nerve and muscle function, aiding in detoxification, regulating blood pressure, and promoting bone health. In other words, they are crucial for our overall well-being and hydration. The main minerals electrolytes provide are as follows: o Sodiumo Potassiumo Calciumo Magnesiumo Chlorideo Bicarbonateo Phosphate Whole-food sources play a crucial role in hydration. They include table salt, bananas, oranges, potatoes, spinach, dairy, leafy greens, nuts, seeds, and whole grains. By incorporating these foods into your diet, you can ensure more balanced and effective hydration. When an imbalance occurs, look for the following warning signs: o Muscle crampso Irregular heartbeato Thirsto Decreased urine outputo Fatigueo Dry skino Headacheo Dizzinesso Constipationo Confusiono Low blood pressure Complementing the wide range of benefits both hydration and nutrients offer comes with awareness and your frame of mind to make your best effort. A sufficient intake of liquids, even from fresh fruits bursting with natural juices, aids in balance. Intact sources are better choices, so be wary of pre-packaged smoothies, sweetened teas, or juices. Most store-bought versions contain added sugars up to 50+ grams per serving. To calculate how teaspoons of added sugar go into your favorite beverage, divide the grams of added sugar by 4. The numbers can be staggering, but it is an eye-opener when you become more mindful. Shifting those choices and giving significant purpose to your personalized journey requires one day at a time and minor improvements leading to significant strides. Water is essential, as it makes up about 60% of the human body, but the appropriate nutrients are a super-power not to be dismissed.  Please work with your body, not against it, to ensure an adequate intake of both. In good health!

MAY is Mental Health Awareness Month

Taking the opportunity to understand and support those affected by mental health issues is why the month of May is devoted to this critical topic. Annually, heightened awareness develops from the urgency to reduce the stigma often associated with mental health conditions. Recently, there has been an extensive boost in public awareness, highlighting resources, services, and support, but increased recognition and empathy are needed. I came across the following article in the Daily News from a local advocate and found the statistics of this dilemma in NYC quite staggering. I applaud the authors of this piece for advocating for reform and change as they are co-founders of an addiction and mental health facility in NJ. They aspire for a dedicated community based understanding when confronting the perils of our growing mental health crisis. Mental health is certainly not my specialty, and I am stepping out of my comfort zone and area of expertise by broaching the subject. As eloquently as possible, I will highlight the importance and respect this topic deserves. I believe I can safely say we probably know individuals affected by mental health issues, addiction, and the heartache of mismanagement, stigmas, and lack of education about these diseases. Perhaps we are affected first-hand or indirectly. Either way, the goal surrounding the dedication to raising more awareness is to promote the growing number of available resources, services, and support networks. Open conversations and education on mental health also aid in support and a clearer understanding of symptoms and treatment options. Mental health receives so much attention in the media, and we can easily read an article or watch the crisis unfold in the news. However, getting involved can mean taking a moment to recognize the impact advocacy can make. Proactive steps to support optimal mental health in ourselves and others effectively address action versus neglect and an uncaring attitude. Outside assistance and everyday advancements play a significant role in social change and championing improvements in the lives of individuals and communities. Please recognize those change-makers dedicated to moving mountains and outstanding advancements in mental health reform. “Only through a concerted, dedicated effort can we hope to change the narrative from one of neglect to one of recovery and resilience.” Scaduto and Cellary are co-founders of Valley Spring Recovery Center, an addiction treatment and mental health facility in Norwood, N.J.

Plant Diversity

Supporting Gut Health by Feeding Your Microbes Our gut is home to about 40 trillion microbes. These microbes are unique strains of bacteria that crave various plant foods to thrive. When appropriately nourished, they are adaptable and enriched enough to champion our best healthful outcomes. Beneficial bacteria establish superior immune responses, digestive processes, nutrient absorption, and vitamin production within the intestinal tract.  With all the emerging information on gut health, it’s empowering to understand that TLC of your gut environment is one of your best investments. Through our skin and digestive tract, we are exposed to bacteria daily. These florae are groups of microbes living in or on your body. Some make us ill but many aid in most processes we need to survive. Instead of focusing on destroying bad microbes, our objective should be to reinforce and nurture favorable resident organisms, a task that you can actively participate in. By maintaining a healthy gut, you can expect a host of positive health outcomes: Improved digestion, reduced inflammation, enhanced immune responses, and a significantly lower risk of chronic and autoimmune disease. These are the rewards of your commitment to gut health. Let’s break down key mechanisms of optimal gut health and explain why increasing your intake of specific whole food plant sources like apples, broccoli, quinoa, oats, almonds, lentils, and chia seeds can flourish your gut wellness. By increasing daily fiber intake from whole food plant-based sources, critical processes and beneficial outcomes are improved from the following:  Short-chain fatty acids (SCFA): Healthy gut bacteria ferment dietary fiber to produce byproducts called SCFA. SCFAs maintain intact cellular structure and barrier protection to both the gut barrier and colon lining. This structural reinforcement regulates immune functions and lends to less inflammation (skin, joints, heart, brain, kidney, lungs, and the development of life-threatening illnesses) Bowel Consistency: Regular bowel movements and eliminating everyday toxins are essential for a flourishing digestive tract. An adequate intake of plant diversity and fibers, SCFA, and nutrient absorption aid in daily bowel movements and the prevention of constipation.    Gastrointestinal Disorders decrease with a healthy gut barrier and reduced inflammation. Properly ingesting an array of nutrients and phytochemicals, which are natural compounds found in plants has been shown to have health benefits. A variety of plant foods protects against unfavorable disorders like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS),  inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), dysbiosis, leaky gut, and colorectal cancers, which are all so prevalent in our society.  With an increased intake of soluble and insoluble fibers and an emphasis on whole-food plant diversity, we ensure the growth of beneficial bacteria. The fiber we ingest from plant-based foods is prebiotics, which act as a fertilizer our favorable gut bugs happily eat up, aiding in cellular growth, healing, and energy.   Aim for 30 plants a week and you’ll be surprised how easily this can be attained with consistency and a positive mindset. How do you start? One day at a time, with no pressure for perfection. Sometimes, inspiration is half the battle. I love being encouraged by anyone who aspires to create with plant diversity. There is so much to look at especially online, and social media or you can one-stop shop here and see what catches your eye. To assist in facilitating this process, remember that whole-food plant sources include herbs (fresh and dried, and spices. A fruit compote made from seasonal fruit and then used to top yogurt or chia pudding could easily add up to between 5-10 plant sources. A snack like these Superfood Bites are seven sources of plants. See one of my newest salad dressings below which uses herbs, sprouts, and leftover greens to inspire various plant consumption, control over quality ingredients, and money saved over costly store-bought versions. Is plant-diversity the ultimate gut-fix? No, unfortunately, there are no quick fixes, but rest assured, attention to increasing dietary fiber from a variety of plant sources is one step in the most advantageous direction. Supporting the skill set of our microbes reinforces the integrity of vital gut functions. Optimal gut functions are essential for orchestrating many of our daily organ and hormonal operations.These key mechanisms need your attention and a mindset that is dedicated to significant progress and overall wellness.

Body, Mind, and Spirit

Your Road to Personal Growth and Self-Exploration As a strong advocate of integrating modern medicine and traditional wisdom practices to promote health and well-being, I champion the empowering concepts of body, mind, and spirit. These are not just abstract ideas, but they represent the different aspects of your being. Your body is your physical form, your mind is your thoughts and emotions, and your spirit is your inner essence. Understanding and nurturing these aspects can enhance your health and well-being. As holistic health gains recognition, the awareness of how these aspects interconnect and influence each other grants the likelihood of balance, allowing individuals to address their concerns.   We’ve all encountered the phrase ‘body, mind, and spirit,’ but how does it manifest in your daily life? Whether you’re grappling with chronic stress or basking in perpetual bliss, your body, mind, and spirit are inextricably linked.    Since most of us are not in constant euphoria, let’s delve into the following questions to stimulate your self-reflection: Are you feeling out of balance or working in synergy with the universe and equipped to handle whatever life throws at you? Do you show empathy and compassion and form meaningful conversations with others? Do you reflect, feel, and behave positively? Do you roll any upsetting situation into a ball and figuratively swallow the pain/anger? Are you connected to a community where you thrive? Do you ponder meaning and purpose? Are you grateful? Do you accept help from others? Are you harboring anger and resentful feelings daily? Do you learn new skills, adapt to new environments, and acquire personal growth and development knowledge?   Supporting the connection of a thriving body, mind, and spirit takes effort, so let’s explore. Finding purpose or grasping how to decipher “the meaning of life” can quickly become a crisis of the mind. Perhaps enhanced calm will bring clarity so that direction and contentment become more apparent.  Will every little thing fall into place with the development of spirit?  And if our body is cared for appropriately, will the trifecta of efforts bring about a state of ‘blanketed comfort’ where we feel a sense of peace, fulfillment, and balance in all aspects of our lives?   The answer is yes. With the integration of modern medicine and traditional wisdom practices, this state of blanketed comfort is a dream and a tangible goal we can strive for.   It sounds wonderfully encouraging, but building progress requires one step at a time. Embrace the moments and strive to do your best each day as you embark on this journey. Practices such as meditation, prayer, ritual, and community support can be powerful tools in promoting healing and wholeness at profound levels. Aspire to initiate random acts of kindness, such as helping a stranger, volunteering at a local charity, or simply offering a kind word instead of practicing cynicism. Let your actions be your guide, with a greater sense of purpose as your beacon. This path of transformation will soon follow inspiring hope and personal growth.   Connecting to something greater than oneself contributes to personal growth, and with consistency and daily practice, fine-tuning that pathway to paradise could be feasible. The notion that anything is possible mirrors a mindset of optimism, creativity, and an open mind. However, as life has it, limitations and constraints occasionally pop up and hinder the realm of possibilities. Still, a balanced approach is also essential; it should keep dreams and motivation intact. Our minds are powerful and adaptable, our spirit is resilient, and a healthy body can grow and change accordingly. Therefore, with proper nurturing, who knows what lies ahead on that road, so individually to you and only you? Trust in your abilities and the potential for growth and development.


What course of action(s) drives purpose and leads one to a place of achievement?   Leaving a positive mark is an intention I often consider as I type away, focused on where my path will lead next. Helping others advocate for their best health is the nature of what inspires a thought of the next book, a new recipe, or a fresh blog post.   When speaking to clients, I often ask “why” they want to make changes. Mostly, I get the usual “doctor’s order” assessment or perhaps the “I want to improve the way I feel” feedback. It’s terrific, and I embrace the initial meeting of new clients driven by purpose.   To my new clients and readers alike, I emphasize that there’s no magic pill, quick fix, or going back to old habits that don’t serve your intentions. I ask them to view their objections as a journey. If we value ourselves as humans and give importance to our health, our behaviors should reflect the need to get necessary tasks done. But, as flawed humans, the work that is the essential means to an end is often viewed as complex, exhausting, and complicated.   Change sucks, until it doesn’t. It may cause unrest and fear because it requires effort, but it does get easier as confidence grows, and we embrace the admirable effects of our time, patience, and accomplishments.   Whatever way you want to apply purpose to your life, it has critical meaning and direction as it guides whatever journey you decide to take. Having a sense of purpose provides clarity and aids us through whatever challenges come our way. Superior physical and mental outcomes support health, well-being, focus, resilience, and motivation.   I also highlight that it’s not entirely about you when you aspire to a purpose. With goals, you inspire others around you and create a ripple effect. Knowing that your actions are conducive to something greater than yourself brings fulfillment and deep satisfaction.   What inspires you to live a meaningful and purposeful life? How can you achieve more deliberate moments in your heart? As we identify what matters most, what aligns with our values, and brings more precise meaning into our daily routines, we look back only to reflect and adjust as needed. Soon enough, the purpose will ultimately find you with a wink and a smile.   In good health!  

Improve Your Mood and Exhale Slowly

Taking a 5-Minute Breather “I’m tapped out.” “There’s nothing in my reserve.” “I’m currently operating on a low battery.”These are clever ways to say I’m exhausted, anxious, or you require space, but how often do we act on our troublesome thoughts? Attempting to energize and refresh our emotions can undoubtedly impact our well-being. Awareness and effort focused on proper breathing yield impactful results with mental clarity, mood, and overall everyday performance.    Taking just 5 minutes to focus on breathing is a deliberate way to calm the central nervous system and has many physiological benefits. Controlled breathing involves deliberately repeating a breathing pattern to bring about serenity. It also lowers blood pressure and heart rate and reduces levels of stress hormones in the blood. Daily 5-minute breaks engaging in mindful breathwork practices significantly improve mood and reduce anxiety.   Consistent hustling takes precedence over just being, and our health pays the price. If one becomes more aware of the pause in everyday activities, we are more likely to tune in and positively control an adverse scenario before it controls us. Some studies even suggest that breathwork holds more healthful benefits than meditation.   Let’s dig deeper and facilitate progress with this life-sustaining bodily function.   Taking in air and exhaling is moving oxygen in and out of your lungs. The movement of air nourishes our physical body by oxygenating on a cellular level. Controlled breath work boosts our immune functions, calms our minds, mutes the constant chatter, and allows us to tap into deep relaxation and peace. Sign me up!   From birth, we naturally breathe through our bellies. Think about a newborn or your pet dog and notice their bellies rise and fall without effort. Over the years, we develop flawed breathing patterns and forget to take deep breaths using our bellies. Instead, we take shorter breaths, often from our chest, which triggers our nervous system and brings about unfavorable symptoms like fatigue, gut issues, headaches, neck pain, sleepless nights, and anxiety. So, close your mouth, utilize your nose to do its job, and remember, use your belly and back, not your chest, to breathe the air.   There are many resources available to explore and master enhanced breathwork. These include books, online courses, mobile apps, and numerous YouTube videos that demonstrate various breathwork techniques. Yoga studios, workshops, and retreats also provide various opportunities for hands-on practice.   More focus on breathwork allows your thoughts to flow without getting lost. Guided breaths calm many bodily functions, thus allowing our thoughts to solve our problems instead of backfiring them into stressful situations—improved focus and enhanced concentration direct attention away from distractions and allow one to appreciate present moments.   The following practice is adaptable virtually anywhere you can spare 5 minutes. With consistency and initiative, one five-minute session turns into several throughout the day. Tension floats away, restoring a heightened sense of peace and wellness.   The 4-7-8 breathing technique is a simple yet effective dive into controlled breaths designed to promote relaxation, less stress, and calm.   Have you got 5 minutes to spare? 1. Find a comfortable position; you choose to have your eyes closed or open.   2. Rest your tongue against the roof of your mouth, relaxing it just behind your upper front teeth.   3. Clear all stale air from your belly by starting with a brisk exhale through your mouth.   4. Inhale slowly through your nose for a count of 4. Remember to expand your belly outward as you focus on filling your lungs with air.   5. Hold your breath for 7 seconds while remaining calm and relaxed.   6. Exhale slowly and entirely while making a soft whooshing sound for seconds.   7. Repeat the cycle four times for maximum soothing benefits.    This simple and effective tool facilitates healing and transformative responses. Embracing an open mind when starting something new and allowing yourself to be patient with results is essential to finding a practice that resonates with your goals. Experiment and practice as anyone can enhance body, mind, and spirit when taking a whole-body approach to wellness. In good health!